Thursday, February 16, 2012

Jason Robillard's ABC's of Barefoot Running - With Video!

So, I've been on a hiatus for two months now.  What have I been doing?  The list is actually pretty short:
  1. Adjusting to having two kiddos at home instead of one. (Change is hard for me, even when I love my kids.)
  2. Trying to learn how to not be flustered by change.
  3. Working.
  4. Running.
  5. Playing Xbox (Batman: Arkham City - thanks to my wife for the b-day present!)
  6. Annoying my wife by playing Xbox and a sometimes surly attitude.
  7. Apologizing to my wife for the annoyance.
I realize both of my readers have been wondering when I would get back to posting again so lets do this!

In true lazy form this post is just pirated info and a link!  A few months ago I did a post on the ABC's of barefoot running as presented by Jason Robillard.  Now there's a video!

Check out the video for a visual "how-to" and get started today!


  1. I just posted this earlier today too! Pretty straightforward and simple.. I like it. Except for when he's not looking right at the camera... kind of creepy.. just sayin.

  2. New Merrel Barefoot Shoes arriving Tuesday Feb 21st @ Tradehome Shoes Rochester, MN.
